Magret toast with béarnaise sauce with Ma vie en couleurs
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Ma vie en couleurs is a french website that I’ve been using for years! Great coupons, recipes ideas and new products of brands I love on there. But I am gonna spare you the rest because the site is exclusively in french!
Here is the content of the box I’ve been sent. It was so much fun to taste and try all those delicious things!
So now… Onto the toast! And not your average boring toast, a delicious magret with béarnaise sauce toast. So good, easy to make and kinda outstanding. I’ll give you all my secret for a perfect magret in the recipe below! Crispy skin and pinky inside.
Magret toast with béarnaise sauce (5 toasts) :
- 5 big slices of whole wheat bread
- 1 magret
- 5 tbsp Amora Bearnaise sauce
- Salt and pepper
Get the magret out of the fridge 30 minutes before starting cooking.
Square the fatty side of the duck without going into the flesh.
In a pan, put the magret fat side down. Heat the pan on low heat to melt the fat really slowly. Let the magret cook until the fat is browned and crispy.
Turn the magret flesh side down for 5 minutes. Turn the heat off.
Wrap the magret in foil for 5-10 minutes.
Meanwhile, toast the bread.
Slather a tablespoon of béarnaise on the bread.
Slice thinly the magret and put a few slices on top of the sauce.