Lockdown chili with melt-in-your-mouth beef

I looooove chili so much. But of course, I didn't have everything on hand. So I dived into my pantry and came up with a lockdown chili I hope you like! You'll see quite a few beef recipes on here as I scored a great deal on beef just before the lockdown. And since we're not going out anymore (even for shopping if we can avoid it), we're using what we have in the freezer and right now it's beef!

I used stew beef, cooked for a long hour and a half in spices and tomato paste so it melts in the mouth and is very flavorful. Then I added all the canned goods. And I had a carrot laying around so I chopped it and threw it in there too. Just adapt the recipe to what you have in the pantry, it's okay. And stay home, people!
Lockdown chili with melt-in-your-mouth beef (serves 5) :
- 500g stew beef
- 1 big can (800g) black beans
- 1 small can (140g) corn
- 1 carrot
- 2 tbsp tomato paste
- 1 onion
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1 tbsp ground cumin
- 1 tbsp ground ginger
- 1 tsp chili spice mix (replace with paprika and chili flakes if needed)
Mince the onion and garlic.
In a big pot, add the meat, tomato paste, spices, garlic and onion. Add half a liter (50cl) of water.
Let it simmer on low heat for 1h30.
Chop the carrot in small pieces.
Drain the cans before adding them to the pot. Add carrots too.
Let it cook on low for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Serve warm over white rice!