Pork & cabbage stuffed bites

When I went to the Reunion Island in May 2013, I tasted those wonderful culinary marvels that are those things. They’re called « Bouchons ». When I got back in Lyon, I tried to find some but I couldn’t.
While scrolling Pinterest a night, I found a recipe for these. My husband (who’s from the Reunion Island) kinda approved it, so I got started. That was longer than expected but we got there. The stuffing was really different than what I had in the Reunion Island but it was pretty good so here’s the recipe anyway.
When I’ll be doing some more, I’ll probably not add the cabbage or not that much actually. It was a really strong cabbage flavor, the pork was a little bit less tasty this way.
Pork & cabbage stuffed bites (around 40 bites) :
- 250g flour
- 20cl water
- 2 egg whites
- 500g pork belly
- 100g green cabbage
- 2 tbsp chives
- Salt & Pepper
The dough needs to rise for a hour in the fridge, so I started by doing that.
Mix in a bowl flour, egg whites, 1 tsp salt and pour water a little bit at a time while mixing. You will not use all the water, don’t worry. When it looks like the picture here, you wrap it in clean film and put in the fridge for an hour.

Then, onto the stuffing. Put in a food processor your cabbage, pork, 1 tsp salt and pepper. When it’s good mixed, add chives.

When your dough has rised for an hour, take it out of the fridge. Roll it to 1mm thin. It must be as thin as possible.
Get a square shaped cookie cuter (8cmx8cm is good) and use it to cut squares into your dough. Put a little ball of stuffing in it and fold the dough like so :

Take the other parts and fold them in the middle, pinching gently to close it It’s a little bit long at the beginning but once you’ve done it 3 to 4 times, it’s way easier.
Put a big pot of water on the stove and bring it to a boil. Once it’s boiling, put your bites in here. Be careful, if they touch each other, they might stick together. They’re cooked when they start floating.
Eat it with chinese hot sauce, soy sauce or Ketchup ! (And a glass of rum, because you know… Reunion Island ;).