
I discovered a product I never even heard of in the July’s Gourmibox. Bsissa? What is it? A mix of flour and barley flour, marjoram, anis, coriander and fennel.
You can mix it with milk or water and get a drink or mix it with olive oil and sugar and get the dessert you see here. Taste wise it is very strong. Anis and fennel are really sticking out, makes you travel with each bites.
It’s kind of dense, I ate it straight out of the fridge with a lot of toppings. Almonds, pistachios, sesame seeds… Whatever you have and like!
Bsissa (serves 2) :
- 100g Bsissa
- 50-80g olive oil
- 40g honey
Put the Bsissa mix in a mix bowl and add the honey. Mix. Add a little at a time the olive oil until you reach the desired consistency. It should be smooth and kind of flexible.
Put in two small serving bowls, add toppings.
Put in the fridge or eat straight away!
Don’t forget to send me your creation on Instagram @Maevatravelandfood!