Pregnancy update : 27 weeks

Here we are, 27 weeks pregnant.
Baby is about 900g by now and is the size of a big papaya.
This week has been so loooong, like I felt like it was a month, really. I am exhausted.
Wednesday was balneotherapy day (here, if you missed it). I got in the pool for 30 minutes before having to go out because I was having regular painful contractions. I called my doc who advised to take some Spasfon and to wait an hour, it could be nothing but I could also be in labour with a premature baby. WHAT.
I got terrified, I was definitely not ready to give birth a 6,5 months pregnant. NO WAY. I waited for an hour and thanks God it got better. The doc called back to take some news and said I should be careful and rest a little bit more than usual, just in case.
The good news of this week is that I’ve been losing a little bit of weight. Just kidding, I don’t care. Plus, I ate a ton of unhealthy stuff this week, I don’t get it. Ahhh.
No changes for my stretch marks and my belly button. (YAY)
Baby is still moving constantly, my belly is taking weird shapes, that is so cute to see. BUT my wee little baby is trying to push my ribs to have more space and that is painful soooo, please little girl stop it. Mama loves you but THAT IS painful.
A girlfriend gave me 3 full bags of baby clothes she’s not using anymore and there are some many cute things in here, I might die. I can’t wait to fold everything and to put them in my daughter’s drawer.
Bad news, my lovely husband caught the flu and I also feel bad. SO THANKS Hubby for the germs transmission.
I’m gonna nap, I can’t keep my eyes open.
See you next week !