Pregnancy update : 28 weeks

This week marks the end of the second trimester, baby will be here very soon !
She weighs now a little bit more than a kilo and is about the size of a big papaya.
This week, I caught the flu. I would not recommend that when pregnant because I wanted to die the entire week I’ve sick. You can take nothing to help you get better because preggers can take NO medication. Awesome.
I was seriously mad because this week-end has been so wonderfully sunny and warm and I was stuck inside dying. BUT I’M BETTER NOW.
We feared a bit because fever can cause a premature delivery. Not a fun week, I tell you.
Anyway, being sick actually helped my back pain because I stayed in my bed for 3 days and when I got to the physiotherapist on Tuesday, it was not painful. But when she massaged me I felt like I was dying. It was soooo painful. She said anxiety doesn’t really help with my sciatica. So I’m trying my best to relax.
I’m still working but it is getting harder every day with my huge bump. I got Braxton Hicks contractions everyday, annoying.
My bellybutton is out. Well depending on how my little pumpkin moves. But it is often out these days.
My mom is coming in 3 weeks and we’re gonna do a lot of girly things, I can’t wait. Plus, she’s coming with my little 10 year-old sister. I don’t get to see her as often as I’d like so I am very excited !
See you next week !