Lemon and garlic grilled sardines

Oh the sweet memories of Portugal… The smell of sardines grilling in the inner courtyards or on the sidewalk, the crispiness of the skin and the delicate flavor of the flesh!

Here is a pretty similar version to what we ate in Porto. Sardines are very fragile so be careful and gentle when moving them around. If you can, ask your fisherman to remove the guts so it’ll be easier. And enjoy because it is SO GOOD!
Lemon and garlic grilled sardines (12 sardines) :
- 12 sardines
- 15cl olive oil
- 4 garlic cloves
- Juice of 1/2 lemon
- Salt
Mince garlic very finely and add it to a bowl. Juice the lemon into the bowl, season with salt and add olive oil. Mix until well combined.
In a deep dish, lay the sardines. Pour the marinade over and coat each sardines in marinade.
Let it marinade for 30-45 minutes.
Meanwhile prep your grill and heat it up.
Oil the grill so the sardines won’t stick. Grill the sardines for 3 minutes on each side, flipping them very delicately.
Serve with a squeeze of lemon juice and potatoes!
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