Paloma cocktails with Galvanina

This post is sponsored by Galvanina
I am far from being good at cocktails! But this one is an easy one, no weird ingredients or tricky method. And can we talk a second about this color? I AM DYING. So pretty. Not too sweet because the club soda sweetens it just enough. What’s not to love?

Let’s talk about Galvanina for a minute, what is that? ORGANIC carbonated (or not) drinks. Good composition, amazing flavors. I am all in. Not too sweet and uber refreshing. You’ll find them in most grocery stores in France! My favorite right now is the peach iced tea, I could drink all day.

If you don’t own a fancy shaker, just use another glass to mix everything together before adding to the serving glace so it’s all good and mixed through.
Paloma (1 glass):
- 6cl tequila
- 2,5cl lime juice
- Grapefruit flavored Galvanina (or 2,5cl grapefruit juice + club soda)
- Salt
- Ice cubes
In a shaker, add tequila and lime. (+ grapefruit juice if using). Shake.
Run a piece of lime around the rim of the glass to wet it. Put some salt in a shallow bowl. Turn the glass upside down and dip it in the salt to cover the wet rim in salt.
Add a few ice cubes to the glass. Pour the tequila mixture. Top up with Grapefruit flavored Galvanina (or club soda).
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