Pregnancy update : 23 weeks

This week has been emotionally rough. Hormones are driving me crazy.
Baby is now the size of an eggplant and is about 650g. She’s now getting used to some of the sounds she hears and she moves a lot.
Talking about that, we can now see here through my belly when she moves, too cute, right ? The father-to-be is amazed and so do I.
At the end of the day at work, I am entirely exhausted. I get home, eat dinner and sleep. I have no social life throughout the week, that is crazy. I’ll stop working on the 15th of May for my maternity leave, I hope I can make it until there.
We didn’t really pick a name yet, we have some ideas but we will wait until we see our wee baby girl to give her a name that will fit her tiny little snuggly face. People are questioning us about that but really we don’t know yet. There is so much girl’s names like how on earth can you pick one ???! HARD JOB.
I didn’t gain weight this week which is good I guess.
I am craving sushis so much, aaah. Can’t wait for July where I’ll eat tons of these.
No new stretch-marks to be found. Bellybutton hasn’t pop yet.
My back is still hurting and I am still out of breathe each second. But I feel so grateful for not being sick seing some of you being extra sick and vomiting all day long.
I have an appointment for an ultrasound on Thursday, I’ll keep you updated about how it went.
See you next week.