Pregnancy update : 32 weeks

The end of this pregnancy is near, we are getting all ready to welcome our baby !
Baby weights 2,1kg and is 43cm long. She is moving a little bit less because there is not much space in there.
This week, we saw our little pumpkin because we had the last ultrasound. She is doing very well but the ob/gyn said she is probably going to be a big baby. Approximately 3,3kg at birth. We saw her little hair and also saw her sucking, that was the sweetest.
We tried the 3D ultrasound but I feel like it is not really flattering for the baby. Like, she really resembled an alien, I was terrified. Haha.
My cervix hasn’t moved so I might have a full term pregnancy, which I hope but I still need to rest.
My mother was with us from Saturday to Thursday and she was a huge help ! It was so good to rely on her a little bit. My little sister kept asking about the name of our baby but the thing is… We don’t know yet ! We have ideas but nothing is really sure by now.
My skin is tearing despite the fact that I oil it day and night. I am so disappointed. I look like Marty the zebra from Madagascar. SEXY.
The worst of all this week has been my back pain. My physio was absent for a goof week and I was like « that’s ok I’ll do without it » but now I changed my mind. COME BACK PLEASE, MASSAGE MY BACK, I’M DYING. I can’t barely walk and getting out of the bed has become an olympic discipline.
The good thing is that the nursery is 90% done. We got all the furnitures and things we needed. Ready to welcome a little crying baby. I also prepared my maternity bag, just in cas. I’ll do a blog post on the nursery to show you her little space.
So my little sweetheart, we are ready for you. Just waiting for you.
See you next week !