Banana and peanut butter creamy porridge

Looking for the perfect filling and delicious breakfast? Well, meet the perfect star of the show : porridge. Some might be reticent to its texture but you can really play with that by adding toppings, you can add crunch, fudginess, acidity. It is THE breakfast that fits your mood, so adaptable.

The oat/milk ration I share here is for THE best ratio ever, I've made hundreds of porridge bowls and this is how I absolutely prefer it. Add to that a generous helping of peanut butter (homemade? click here), it's just exquisite. What are your favorite porridge toppings?
Banana and peanut butter creamy porridge (serves 1) :
- 40g (1/2 cup) oats
- 240ml (1 cup) milk
- 1 tbsp honey (or sugar)
- 1/2 banana
- 1 tsp sesame seeds
- 1 tbsp peanut butter
- Berries
In a sauce pan, add oats, honey and milk.
Heat on low, stir regularly until it gets thick and creamy. It should take about 5 to 7 minutes.
Pour the porridge into a bowl and add banana, berries and peanut butter.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve!