7 dessert ideas to serve after a raclette

"What am I gonna serve for dessert ?" It's a question I ask myself pretty much everytime we have people over for a raclette. It's a french thing, melting cheese on potatoes with charcuterie. Here is the appliance you'll need if you want to try. It's not light at all, so here are a few ideas I use when I want to serve a dessert after dinner. Give me yours in the comment !
I usually avoid heavy dessert or all chocolate ones. But then what are we serving ?
Crumble in general is a good idea. It's fresh and is so easy to eat ! Here are two of my recipes I like to make after a raclette :

The big advantage of crumbles is that you can easily adapt the fruits to the seasons and it's always delicious.
You can also make individual verrines, it doesn't have to be fancy at all. A few ideas :
The acidity of quince makes this sauce a perfectly fresh and light dessert.

I also like to make tarts, adjusting the fruits depending on the season. With a good cup of tea, these tarts will go down with no problem. The yogurt one is so light and refreshing !

A pretty fruit basket could do the trick too if you're tight on time.
I hope this post will help you find the perfect dessert to serve after a raclette !