Verbena bubble tea

Content creation for Walima
It's been so unusually hot for June here in France and all I've been craving is an iced tea. I bought tapioca pearls a while back to test some bubble tea recipes so this was a good chance to make it with a fresh verbena herbal tea !
The Walima team contacted me to know if I'd like to discover their products, after a quick look at their website, I agree ! World cuisine is my cup of tea and that is what Walima is all about.
The delivery was fast and even though one of the product was damaged during transportation, they immediately offered to replace it.
All in all, it's been a great experience and they have a large range of products. The prices aren't expensive too !
The verbena is so good, it has a sweet aftertaste and is perfect hot or iced. I tried their semilina, peanuts and have some black eyes peas I need to get around to using.
Back to our bubble tea, you really don't need fancy equipment to make these at home. You just might want to buy large straws for the tapioca pearls. I bought this set a while and I've been using them several times, they're great.
Bubble tea is a sweet taiwanese drink, don't be scared of the sugar amout. It's better when it's sweetened properly !
Verbena bubble tea (for 1,5 litre) :
- 1,5 liter water
- 10 g dried verbena
- 50 g brown sugar
- 80 g tapioca pearls
Boil the water and sugar in a pot. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Turn the heat off, add the verbena in. Cover with a lid and let it steep for 10 to 30 minutes. Strain and chill in the fridge.
Meanwhile, rehydrate the tapioca pearls in boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain and rinse with cold water.
To serve, add tapioca pearls in a tall glass. Add a lot of ice and pour the chilled verbena tea.
Serve with a large straw to get all the pearls !